Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Phantom Senator

Idea for the supporters of Norm Coleman: let him win.

Build him a little senatorial office of his own, maybe in a back yard somewhere, give him a staff, tell him he's won and let him move in.  Since his primary motivation is playing at "being in power" rather than actually governing a people, let him do that.  Let him play.  It's all a game to him anyway.  

He can play at "making decisions" and "voting on important issues" and "making back-room deals with corrupt industrialists," all the little games that politicians like to play. Certainly his wealthy fat-cat supporters could supply him with an office and a staff and a car.  He could dress up for "state dinners" at the local IHOP and "give speeches" to the kids at the park and write his name on pieces of paper.  He'd be happy, and what's more, he'd be doing more for the people of Minnesota than he would be if he were actually senator.

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